
ACE Musicians start their journey in Nursery where they engage in nursery rhyme and songs. Through being imaginative and exploring media and materials children begin to experiment and build confidence in music. Creating their own music performances and engaging in collaborative singing.

Watch the children thoroughly enjoying adding musical instruments to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Lean on me

Year 4 have been loving their music lessons. They stared their music topic by learning to sing the song ‘Lean on me’ by Bill Withers. Then they learnt a small segment of the song on the chime bars.

-watch them performing here ^

Body Percussion

Year 2 have been enjoying exploring body percussion this half term. They began by observing a choir making the sounds of a storm using body percussion. Then they worked together to compose a short pattern using body percussion.

  • Watch their body percussion here ^

Music in 3 year old nursery

Rain has been our focus in Nursery this week. The children were fascinated by the falling torrential rain earlier this week. As we watched the rainfall, we talked about the sound and feel of the rain on our skin and sang rainy day songs. Some of us even made up our own songs using words modelled by Mrs Garden such as pitter, patter, plop!