Music in 3 year old nursery

Rain has been our focus in Nursery this week. The children were fascinated by the falling torrential rain earlier this week. As we watched the rainfall, we talked about the sound and feel of the rain on our skin and sang rainy day songs. Some of us even made up our own songs using words modelled by Mrs Garden such as pitter, patter, plop!


Year 1 did some amazing acting and singing performances over Christmas. They had been practicing every day. been out of routine – however having our families in to watch has made it all worth while. Every child had a part to play and we are incredibly proud of them all (especially when the music cut out on Thursday and we sang It Was on a Starry Night acapella!!)

Christmas Carol Service

Year 6 had a lovely time to celebrating together in the church for the Christmas Concert. They have worked very hard learning and practicing all the songs to perform in front of the Year 5 pupils and parents. What fantastic voices they have! Well done and thank you to all involved – it really was a joyous occasion!

Singing Workshop

On Monday, Year 4 had a singing workshop with singers from Leeds Leider. We did some vocal warmups, practised how to stand to project our voices and even made up our own song at the end of the session. We also practised our conducting skills and some of the children managed to direct the singers so well that they could control how loud or not they were singing, like what professional conductors do. It was incredibly inspiring to sing classical music in such a fun way! 

Rehearsing the song


In year 6 they have been practising a paired song called ‘We’re going to the country’, which is a World War II song about evacuees. This has involved splitting into two groups and singing in a round. Key music vocabulary was explored such as a line note and a space note. This has helped us to understand what is involved when reading music. They were brilliant!